About privacy.

The information relating to the products on this website is provided subject to the following conditions: Atexindustries reserves the right at any time and without notice to make changes to the information, the pictures or the products referred to on this site. Atexindustries excludes any obligation or responsibility regarding any content derived, obtained, accessed within, through or outside this website. In no event shall Atexindustries be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from or in connection with the access to information in or use of the Atexindustries website. These terms and this disclaimer shall be governed by Dutch law. Further, all offer, delivery and performance made by Atexindustries are subject to the General terms and conditions of Atexindustries.

All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button, images, is the property of Atexindustries or its content suppliers and protected by Dutch and international copyright laws. The compilation of all content on this site is the exclusive property of Atexindustries and protected by Dutch and international copyright laws.

Data and pictures approx. only and errors and modifications reserved.

Atexindustries is a supplier of professional material to professionals only and does not sell to private individuals. For the execution of our work we use personal data linked to professional customers only: for sending quotations, price inquiries, orders, goods, execution of services etc. Thispersonal data is only used by us within this framework and will not be made available to third parties. According to 8.2 of our Terms of Delivery, we are entitled to use the name of the professional customer as a reference, however any personal data linked to this company name will not be mentioned. Please send objections regarding the use of this kind of information in written to our general email address and we will react as fast as possible.

Within the framework of the GDPR, it is possible to view, change or delete this personal data. If you want to make use of this, please contact us at info@atexindustries.com

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